Brede & Udimore Parish Magazine 2025 - 2026 Subscription
The Parish Magazine is professionally printed in colour and produced 12 times a year.
Subscription is £12.00 and runs from October 2024 to September 2025. Subscribers will have their copies posted to their home.
Please provide the following information and drop it in the post to:
The Treasurer, Brede and Udimore Parish Magazine, C/O The Rectory, Brede Hill, Brede, Rye, TN31 6HG.
I/We wish to receive the Brede and Udimore Parish Magazine from October 2025 to September 2026.
I/We enclose a cheque for £12 made payable to ‘PCC St. Georges Church Brede’
I/We have made a BACS transfer to:
Account: PCC St. Georges Church, Brede
Sort code: 60 -18- 09
Reference: “Subs + your name”
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If you only want the download copy of the magazine, consider a donation which would be very helpful to balance the costs. You can also donate here: