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The gift that keeps on giving

Did you know that it has been scientifically proven that giving brings more joy than receiving!  The good book says it is more blessed to give than to receive and it seems it is now scientifically proven.  Generosity is also good for our spiritual wellbeing.  We value your gifts and pledge to use them in the service of this community. 


You can specify where the money is to be allocated, e.g. community and outreach or on the building, and the money is ring-fenced for this specified purpose. 


We always work hard to be good stewards of the money and time given and desire that we bless others in return.

Our Gifts

Discover the various community services of St. George's, Brede. From community events to spiritual programs, we cater to diverse needs. 

Community Outreach & Events

We plan memorable events at St. George's, Brede. Our community will volunteer time and use of our facilities to create memorable events.

Donate now.

Spiritual Programme

Our community provides a programme of spiritual events and guidance plus pastoral support. 

Donate now.

Building Fund

St George's, Brede building is part of the heart of the village and needs regular love and attention.

Donate now.

Ways to Give

There are a number of ways to give


Parish Giving Scheme

To give monthly on-line via PGS please follow this link:

Brede - Parish Giving Scheme


Alternatively please call 0333 002 1271 between Monday and Friday 9-5pm, you will need to know the Parish Reference:  103070497. 

Giving through PGS is really helpful because it is a free service and saves administration time for the church.



One-off Gift

Gift Aid

Boost your donation by 25p of gift aid for every £1 you donate.


If you’re a UK taxpayer, please check if we can claim Gift Aid on your gift. To allow us to claim gift aid on your behalf, you can complete the declaration below.



This can also be done through the Parish Giving Website by following this link:  

Brede - Parish Giving Scheme


Standing Order though your bank

To set up a standing order, simply log in to your online banking or visit your local bank branch.


Account Name: PCC St. Georges Church, Brede

Sort Code: 60-18-09

Account Number: 


Wills & Legacy Giving

Some people like to give by including St George’s in their wills.  A legacy allows you to continue to support the vision of the church beyond your own life. If you intend to make a gift to St George’s in your will, or if you've already included a gift to St George’s in your will, we'd be delighted to hear from you.  Contact us using the box below.

It’s very easy to include St George's when making a will.  We suggest you include a form of words like this:

I GIVE _% of the residue of my estate to St George's Church, Brede Hill, Brede, TN31 6EJ for its charitable purposes. I further direct that the receipt of the Honorary Treasurer or other proper officer of St George's Brede for the time being shall be a full and final sufficient discharge for the said legacy.



I GIVE to St George's Church, Brede Hill, Brede, TN31 6EJ the sum of £_/specific asset or item for its charitable purposes. I further direct that the receipt of the Honorary Treasurer or other proper officer of St George's Brede for the time being shall be a full and final sufficient discharge for the said legacy.

The Church is registered with the code 610497 in the diocese of Chichester in the parish of Brede.

For more information visit:

Church Legacy | The Church of England

Let’s Work Together

Get in touch so we can make a difference together.

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