St George's Church flower arranging team are happy to welcome anyone, experienced and/or beginners, to join the regular church flower arranging team. If you would like more information about what is involved we would be delighted to hear from you. You do not have to a professional and help can be given
We have a flower fund so that we can give financial help for anyone for the purchase of flowers if that is a problem.
Please contact Mrs Sue Sturmey for more information on 01424 882544
The Friends of St. George's was set up in 1992 with the objective of creatring an endowmwnt fund, the interest from which would be used to help towards meeting the cost of repairs to the church.
The constitution stipulates that the interest may be used only for the restoration, preservation, repair, improvemt and upkeep of the church.
Interest comes from investment of the endowment capital. Other funds come from donations and fund raising events.
We ring every Sunday morning from 8.45am to 9.30. Visiting ringers are extremely welcome.
Everyone (Over 12's or at the Tower Captains discretion) is welcome to come and try bell ringing. Our youngest ringer is 11 and we have ringers over pensionable age! It is never too late to learn!
We are recruiting so, if you are already a bell ringer or would like to learn do contact us.
We're a friendly bunch so do join us!
Tower Captain
Mr Colin Mitchell
Mrs Wendy Burchett (01424 882727)
The group has been going for some 60 years and supports four overseas charities.
These are:
Sightsavers https://www.sightsavers.org
Tanzanear https://tanzanear.org
Freedom from Fistula
Papua New Guinea Church Partnership http://www.pngcp.org.uk/
The group holds a variety of events throughout the year, including Soup, Scrabble & other Games which are held on the first Friday of the month,
Visit: www.4charities.net for more information
Please join us every Thursday in term time from 9:30-10:30 for playtime, storytime, music, snacks, and crafts!
We also have a newly updated children's corner with lots of toys for all ages!
Follow our Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/5885486444831926
In over 80 countries of the world, more than 4 million Mothers' Union members do all they can - through volunteering, giving and prayer - to support families, to promote marriage and family life, and to reach out within their communities to people who are isolated, in trouble or in need of help.
If you want to ....
help build a world where dignity, love and respect define relationships,
do all you can to eradicate the inequalities brought about by poverety, ignorance of rights and lack of opportunity,
meet like-minded people and have fun at the same time
come and join us at one of our monthly meetings.
We meet the first Wednesday of every month at 2.30pm and have a different topic at each meeting.